We negotiate affordable Installment Agreements and Penalty Abatements. Passport privileges reinstated in as little as 30-days. Concentrating on unpaid Income, Payroll, and New York State Sales Tax Obligations. Call us today for a legally privileged consultation (212) 974-3435.
Federal Tax Practitioner, CPCU and Attorney. Practicing before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. Specializing in large-dollar Tax Debt, IRS Installment Agreements and Penalty Abatements. We provide individuals and businesses with vigorous tax representation and strategic risk management. Consultations are available by telephone or personally in our New York City offices. For immediate assistance call (212) 974-3435.
Our Mission is to Solve Your Tax Problem in the shortest amount of time and for the least amount of money. If you are struggling with excessive tax debt, dealing with a delicate tax problem, or having difficulty with a IRS Revenue Officer, call (212) 974-3435 directly.
We consistently provide the IRS with reasonable alternatives to enforced collections. Whether we’re negotiating an affordable installment agreement or settling a difficult income tax audit, our goal is to solve your tax problem as quickly and as quietly as possible.
In addition to general tax representation, Mr. Selig personally consults with individuals and businesses. Whether you're seeking one-on-one advice, or collaboration with your attorney and accountant, Selig provides strategic guidance, custom solutions, and cost-effective negotiation strategies. ​For immediate assistance call (212) 974-3435.
​We also provide insurance coverage for Law Offices, Accounting Firms, and other businesses. Licensed in New York and New Jersey. Coverage includes Cybercrime, Professional Liability, Business Interruption, Directors and Officers, Employment Practices, Workers’ Compensation and Workplace Violence. To discuss your Company's specific needs call (212) 974-3435 today.
Free consultation
A successful alternative to tax litigation is negotiation and collaboration. Why? Because the Government is more likely to work with you when you show a willingness to cooperate, which almost always leads to a fairer and more affordable resolution.
What Really Happens When You Litigate against the IRS?
At first blush, the idea of dragging the IRS into Court sounds thrilling, like a modern-day David v. Goliath fairytale. Unfortunately, reality is considerably less romantic. In the real world, taking the IRS to Court usually ends with you being crushed like a grape.
The Winner’s Curse
The IRS can be extremely vindictive, and winning tax litigants are frequently rewarded with audits, penalties, surveillance and harassment. FYI, losing tax litigants receive the same treatment plus court costs.
Serious Trouble
The IRS investigates tax litigants (thoroughly). Leave no stone unturned, is their unofficial motto. A team of Forensic Accountants and Special Investigators will examine your tax returns, bank records, investments, credit cards, business transactions, mortgage and tuition payments, vehicle and boat registrations, and anything else they can lay their hands on. Searching for evidence of intentional wrongdoing, underreported income and falsified records. As Lavrentiy Beria, Joseph Stalin’s murderous henchman liked to say: “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”. If the IRS discovers fraud or deliberate misrepresentation, you could be criminally prosecuted. Potential consequences include penalties, fines, and a lengthy stay in the Big House.
Everyone will Know
Court cases are public record. That means anyone can see the details of your tax case and immediately know your business. ​Additionally, litigation can permanently ruin your relationship with the IRS. In other words, the juice is seldom worth the squeeze.
Lastly . . .
Don't be fooled by out-of-state "Tax Resolution Companies". Selig & Associates is located in the heart of New York City. Specializing in large-dollar tax debt caused by business, employment and divorce. We meet with each and every client personally (and if we think we can help) we'll start your case immediately. Call us today at (212) 974-3435.

Referral Recommendations
When a tax problem involves criminal law or bankruptcy, we recommend our professional colleagues who specialize in these specific areas of law.
The following businesses and service providers have earned our trust and come highly recommended.
Selig & Associates maintains strict professional boundaries and does not share fees.